Monday, January 28, 2008

Things that bug me 2

1) Automatic doors that open slowly.

2) News reporters who refer to 9/11 as the day "America lost her innocence".
I say: You've got to be kidding me. America...innocent? Puhleez.

3) Guys who wear suspenders.
Pants should be secured to your waist not left floating halfway up your torso.

4) People who use "like" to punctuate their sentences.
It's like so like annoying I want to like put a bullet through like your fucking head. You like-y?

5) People who stand on escalators.
I know it moves but it's still a staircase you know.

6) Green M&Ms.
Just ridiculous.

7) Inconsiderate ATM users.
They try a couple of pin numbers before deciding to give theirs a go.
Print out bank statements and deposit some 5 or 6 checks separately.
Eject their card and begin to walk off.
You're interrupted. They "forgot to withdraw"
You let them get their money
and wait for the lazy printer to spit out their receipt
1 minute and 30 seconds:
Time spent waiting for Asshole-icus maximus to finish examining it's receipt.
The receipt is folded. Once. Then twice.
30 seconds:
Time this species requires to locate it's smaller pouch within it's larger one and deposit the receipt
Number of people in line when Asshole-icus maximus began using ATM
Number of victims left in it's wake.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The dude made me cry in Brokeback

And so it came to me last night

a bullet through my heart

unfair the hand that tips the scales

of karma and of fate

that the best ones leave before their time

is hard enough to bear

that the worst of them keep rolling on

stay hope: an endless prayer

Heath, we'll always have Brokeback

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Let them entertain us

I'd spend a bit more time on this particular blog entry but I've got a few minutes before the start of class and I want to get this out there or I'll probably get lazy and not do it.

Did anyone watch the South Carolina debates last night between Clinton and Obama? If you didn't, you missed a helluva show. I thought they were going to fight - and I don't mean the usual battle of wits like we're used to from these uppity aristocratic types, I mean a full-out I'ma-kick-your-ass-with-this-shoe-on-my-foot, mano-a-womano smack-down. I really did. I thought at some point, Obama was going to step off his podium, walk over to Hillary and fire a fat loogie in her general direction and Clinton would reply with a deft left hook to the right jaw and the rest would be pay-per-view history.

I used to say to myself - Obama and Clinton seem to have risen above the fray, they have transcended the usual dirty politics... no mis-characterizing ads yet and they've been relatively respectful of each other and the positions they each represent. Maybe they do genuinely represent this so-called "change" they've been hawking for about a year now. Then last night happened. Now I say to myself, FUCK the "woe is me, I'm a woman, how can you not see how awesome I am" campaign Hillary is running and FUCK the "I'm for change, change is me, me is change, change I am, change. change. change." campaign Obama is sticking to, they are politicians and inherently evil, insufferably despicable, and alas, tragically necessary. I would just appreciate a little more honesty from both of them. More of this savagery and less of the other, more demure, "classy" politicking. This kind is by far more entertaining and at the end of the day, isn't it all for and about our entertainment?

The other dude...

Whats his name?...

ah yes, Edwards.

whats his deal anyway?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Spoken word

Hey everyone.

So a couple of posts ago I recounted my adventures at a certain gay meeting and posted a couple of videos from a spoken word artist who perform at that meeting. Since that time, I've been searching and listening to all kinds of videos and audio clips of spoken word poetry and I've got to tell you all, this art form, this medium of activism and story telling with words and rhythm is spell binding. I wish I could do it. Everytime I listen to a clip of something powerful or clever I wish I could've done it first. I say to myself: "that's so true" or "I was just thinking the same thing a week...or a month...or year ago" only I didn't string my thoughts together in such an inspired way. It's got to be some kind of talent, it's just got to be.

Here are a few of my's so hard to narrow them down.

BASSEY IKPI..."Homeword" ...for a little nostalgia. I also like from her "Apology To My Unborn"

"Yellow Rage"...They're so angry, it's funny. Don't listen if you don't like cursing (but if you've read this blog, I know you don't mind).

SUHEIR HAMMAD...Well, she's just brilliant isn't she.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Of the under-learned

"we were in this garden and we were so inspired by these wonderful botanicals ...."

Heard that gem on TV and had to write it down for...for...umm...well, for future reference. Think of it, how many times have you ever heard the word "botanical" used outside of a science classroom or a shampoo ad? My guess is never. Except if you're like me, then you've heard it used by your 11 year old cousin who you babysit a couple of times a week and who manages to make you feel slightly dumber than the last time you were with him because he "expectorates" when you ask him not to spit in the kitchen sink and promptly sets you straight for thinking "niggardly" was a "bawdy" word when it simply means "frugal" or "penurious". But even he, in all his nerdidom, has never seen "botanicals" where there was a beautiful garden to be admired.

Now one might think the person I'm refering to was trying a bit too hard to show off a little more of their scholarship than they possessed, but I disagree. I like people like this; people who can razzle dazzle with words and phrases and stop you dead in your tracks with their constructions. They remind me to look at the English language with renewed respect and awe because try as I may to master proper English from the so called masters of the language, it is always those who dare to tresspass beyond the forgivable that keep me interested.

Word of the day: Toothsome, only because I thought it had something to do with teeth. It means delicious or luscious like a tasty meal or a sexy, handsome, adonis of a man or woman like me.

PS: I've been around, just uninspired that's all.


My first post of the New year is going to be short and sweet. All I have to say to the people that have left comments on or visited this blog in the past year is: you're sexy! Yes. You're very sexy and I hope you have a very sexy 2008...well...realistically, it's not going to be sexy for all of you because some of you guys will fatten up this year or go on a hardcore diet and get all auschwitz skinny and umm...some others will, at various points in the year, break out in a rash or catch a bad cold and those can make for very un-sexy people. So I'll say, have a mostly sexy 2008. How's that?