Monday, June 18, 2007


I'm having a bad day..

I have a zit the size of kilimanjaro on my left cheek.

No not that cheek you perv, the one on my face!

I can see it when I look down...

oh blasted pimple, why doth thou torment me so!

I skip washing my face for one blasted day and pay the ultimate price.

And worst of it all, I recall the exact moment when I chose sleep over a neutrogena face scrubbing.

Never again!


Me and Zitty


Jaja said...

A pimple = A bad day?

neutrogena? face wha'?
Ajebo!( i ll define: someone so tender, that they are like butter)

either that or it s that pubescent scourge of pimples.
Whats that age of yours again?

Anonymous said...

Hey Spook E ... you've been tagged! Details at my blog Evviva Male. (Please don't hate me!)

BlackGirl said...

Ajebo Butter indeed. :)

Spooks, I feel you on pimples. A menace to any sane person's vanity. I can't wait to be supa-dupa-rich so I can just pop in to my derm dr's for cortisone shots! That's how the swanky do it.

Spook E said...

@Jaja: You don't understand I tell you, Its America, its does it this to everyone. Image is everything and a giant zit on full display atop you cheek is enough to make you want to take a gun to it. Believe me, before I came to America, I didn't know jack crap about facial scrubs even though i suffered from some pretty bad acne. It bothered me then but even more when I got here. So many people around me had better skin and it tortured my self confidence. I was freaking out about my face and that just made the acne worse so I you see, I had to resort to "Ajebo" ways. I'm so sorry lol.

@greg: thanks, I'm honored and flattered :)

@blackgirl: I guess...I really am an Ajebo lol...but who doesn't at least wash their face? Seriously, isn't it wise to at least attempt to kept those pesky pimples in check before you strike it supa dupa rich and can afford professional help?

Seriously, If you're reading, I want to know, Do you or do you not wash your face with a facial scrub. DON'T LIE NOW, GOD IS WATCHING YOU.

Omar Ramon said...

pimples are indeed evil. darn ym sensitive skin. the simplest thing can make me break out. argh

cally-waffybabe said...

Luckily, i'm blessed with very good skin, so i don't have a particular ritual with my face. It's shower, rub lotion and that's it. Nothing special and no facial scrubs. Just shower gel or soap.